Christian Vision

Christian Vision

We turn this afternoon to the 29th book of Proverbs, and to the 18th verse. This is instruction given by the LORD for those places where there is no vision. “The people perish. The conclusion being; “He that keepeth the law, happy is he.” One of the great problems which lies at the heart of our Christian civilization lies at the heart of our society. The more a situation is in the hands of God the more significant it is in its purpose. And another area is the spiritual centre of HIS kingdom, HIS church. The responsibility of HIS church is not only to continue as HIS Oracle, but to proclaim the law of God and the Will of God. Within the structure of that institution which we realize is governed with the hand of flesh and with the spread of religious hierarchies over many denominations, there are those who seek from time to time to nullify Divine instructions. Replacing sometimes the instructions of God with the opinions of men. And when the opinions of man is used in place of the instructions of God, you are in serious trouble. Thus, it is that we have a tremendous wave of people today who have been told that the laws of God are no longer necessary for we have passed from a period of law into a period of Grace. But when you ask them to interpret for you the Grace of God, then you find that sometimes they have a hard time explaining this. But they say that this is the ‘love of God’ and the forgiveness of God whether you obey HIM or not. The point is that they so stress this that some people feel relieved from an obligation to proclaim the law of God with strength.

Now the kingdom of God is an administration. And it relates to a Divine government. And in these processes of government then law is important. You cannot have government without law. The program of God’s kingdom is a program of Divine law. Ruling over by that kingdom, is God, Himself. And HE shall rule over the earth. And those who constitute HIS household, HIS children, shall rule with HIM from one end of the earth to the other. But the laws of God, the standards of God and the rightness of God, the world shall obey.