Children of The Spirit

Children of The Spirit

As we view the situations around the world, the troubles affecting the world’s monetary systems, we can well understand that we are looking at a well-developed area of prophecy. And we can through well understand that the people who understand prophecy are the children of the spirit. For YAHWEH HAD MADE A GREAT ENUNCIATION AS TO THE CHILDREN OF HIS SPIRIT. He has told about their origin and their understanding. He has told you of the fact that you are the children of YAHWEH, BEGOTTEN of his spirit, before the foundation of the world. That HE has a race of people begotten and living in the heavens. And in the heavenly pains you thought the thoughts of YAHWEH, and you understood HIS works. And you understood all of the things transpiring around you. For as HE thought, so also did you think, Children of spirit, children of Light, dwelling in bodies of light with spiritual understanding. This is not the background heritage of all men. Not the background heritage of all races. But it is the background heritage of your race. It is the background heritage of the people called Israel. It is the foundation of the sons and daughters of the most High God. Children of the Spirit.