The Catastrophe of Modern Medicine

The Catastrophe of Modern Medicine

It is a Hoax that prescription drugs cure people and save lives. Prescription drugs are big business. The pharmaceutical global industry is worth over 600 billion dollars, while the UK Industry is worth 10 billion pounds and employs 8000 salespeople. In 2003, the UK drug bill was £7.2 billion, which is about 13 per cent of the total National Health Service spending. By far the largest chunk of their immense revenue goes on marketing i.e. targeting doctors directly (some £10,000 spent on each doctor in the U.K.) paying for trials which invariably turn out favourable reports, payment to medical journals, payment to academics who therefore write favourable reports about their drugs, payment for doctors, further education to keep them up to date on new drugs. Funding the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) and the UK’s equivalent MHRA (Medical And Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) lobbying the U.S. Congress 177 million dollars. They also actively lobby the UK parliament. Promoting drugs is big business. But are they any good at healing people. To answer this question we will quote Lorraine Day, a Professor of Medicine “DRUGS NEVER CURE DISEASE, they only ever cover up the symptoms, so you temporarily feel better while the disease gets worse.”