House of Guelph

House of Guelph

The DUKE of CLARENCE lately passed in your Majesty’s kingdom of Hanover, and in the different States of Germany, the History and Antiquities of your Majesty’s Royal House occupied a considerable share of his attention. His Royal Highness collected a number of valuable docu­ments, relating chiefly to objects which had in some measure escaped the notice of preceding inquirers; and finding them of great importance, as illustrating many doubtful points in the family records, I besought and obtained permission to lay them at your Majesty’s feet in their present form.

The historical Memoir which accompanies these documents has been compiled from the best authorities ; and gives a correct though short view of the lives of your Majesty’s illustrious Ancestors. I most humbly hope it will be found not altogether unacceptable to your Majesty, nor uninteresting to the great body of your Majesty’s loyal subjects. A history of the House of Brunswick has long been desired by the British public : the appearance, therefore, of. the present volume may induce some of our eminent writers to undertake such a work ; and the records it contains cannot fail to facilitate their labour. With the most profound respect, devotion, and loyalty.