New Ensign 182 October 2024

The Net is Slowly Closing in to Keep Us Locked Within Our Communities – So Called “15 Min. Cities” in Readiness For Another 911?

It is now becoming fairly obvious for those living here in the UK, travel is being restricted to a very great extent under the guise of road works, computer malfunction at airports, railway signal failures and shortened bus routes and in larger cities the implementation of emission control zones for none compliant vehicles with a hefty fine if a daily charge is not paid!

Together with this, more and more surveillance cameras and 5G towers are being erected, far exceeding those in former Communist East Germany of the cold war era. Now Britain is the most surveilled country in the world!

Nevertheless, the Brits are starting to fight back, with hundreds of cameras having been sawn down with millions of fines not having been paid to the value of over £259,000,000!

This month and/or November could well be the unleashing of a horrendous event on the scale of 911 to give the enemy a pretext to lock us down completely and to bring in draconian controls with food and fuel rationing.

It has to be remembered that the enemy itself has admitted that its schedule has been delayed owing to opposition from various local legislation, code for, people are using the true law (Yahweh’s Law) as a shield against their machinations. Up and down the UK and indeed the Commonwealth and the USA. People are waking up to the fact that they have been tricked into consenting to non lawful directives, depriving them of their sustenance.

Abiding by His Law, is the only way we can prosper. The Bible is the Law Book of the white Caucasian Race and is presented to the British Monarch as being the Royal Law, which he promises to uphold!

The true law is the only ground on which we can unite and does not recognise isms, party politics, nor religions or church denominations for they are in themselves a variety of religion, which Christianity is not! It is known as The Way or The Word. Praise Yahweh, with Him we will overcome! Despite the might of the Beast System!

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This magazine is for private subscription only
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New Ensign 182 October 2024
New Ensign 182 October 2024

October 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40 pp PDF

New Ensign 181 September 2024

Who Can Make War With The Beast?

Many readers will be familiar with the various beasts mentioned in the book of Revelation, some having several heads and 10 horns when finally the 8th beast arises with 2 horns.

The different beasts represent various phases of control over the nations and Israelite empires symbolised as mountains in the Bible. The Bible, refers to this evil controlling power as mystery Babylon because its control is secret. Since the demise of the original Babylon, it is still very much with us, having moved its location and is now located in the City of London, Vatican City and Washington DC – the three evil frogs of Revelation!

The horns, except for the little horn, are the tribes of Israel. Ten horns (Levi, the civil servants and Judah the sceptre tribe amongst all the tribes). Horns represent government, hence the little horn because it was a very small tribe compared to true Israel, it arose in the midst of all the other tribes, till eventually it controlled all the tribes. People today remark how is it possible, this tribe could have taken control of all the western nations?

The eighth beast (Baphomet) represented as having 2 horns of a lamb, but spake as a dragon, this of course is the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Church, whose flag is a red cross on a white background with a lamb holding a brown cross (the C of E being the original Protestant church).

The reason for the biblical description of beasts, for the evil rulers is that, that is precisely what they are as defined by Yahweh because they are Non Adamic humanoids lacking the spirit of Yahweh in their soul.

We are instructed to come out of the Babylonian Beast System, lest Yahweh’s judgment upon it, be on us also. We his people are the horns of the beast, by disengaging, its power will be severely diminished, for it is but a little horn!

Its heartening to report that many are doing just this throughout the Western nations, although a trickle at the moment, it will become a flood!

Our brothers who through their diligence in studying the law have found the key that opens the prison door we’re in and are willing to help others. More about this in the next edition. Praise Yahweh the power of His Word which becomes a sword when an “s” is put in front of it!!

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This magazine is for private subscription only
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New Ensign 181 September 2024
New Ensign 181 September 2024

September 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 180 August 2024

Before Its Too Late

The distractions continue apace with the attempted assassination of Trump, clearly all theatre, with the blood bag in his ear, to give him an advantage in the forthcoming elections. Then we have the farce of the UK election, where Labour gets into “power” to become the new puppets of the real government hidden away in the City of London.

However, one must remain optimistic. On the ground (as opposed to the insulated unreality of the political class) and throughout the western nations, people are drawing a line in the sand and refusing to comply with the tyranny that has been so prevalent over the last four years, in particular.

The Bible, is the book of our white Adamic race, 78% which is about Law as reflected in our Common Law.

Many are familiar with the story of Jonah and the wale and Yahweh’s pending Judgment on Nineveh. Jonah went to the leaders of that city and warned them, that if they did not repent and return to the law of God, terrible judgment would come upon them, but they heeded the warning and were spared. They did not all become pious and go to church and pray – but kept the divine Law! There is a lesson for us today here!

The good news is, that there are groups all over Great Britain springing up educating and helping people deal with lawless authority. Some also have their own enforcement agents.

This needs to be expanded, so eventually power will be brought back down to Parish level, where it used to be in the days of Merry England or the dark ages to the usurers, who were not able to practice their art! Why don’t you find your nearest group and together with Yahweh on our side we will remove tyranny from our land – Praise Yahweh!!

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New Ensign 180 August 2024
New Ensign 180 August 2024

August 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 179 July 2024

The Countdown

Since the May issue of this magazine, the continuing nudging and innuendoes of further pandemics starting to rear their ugly heads, promulgated by the MSM, such as bird flu, fowl pest, e-coli and variants of the covid virus. Where it was speculated that another plandemic lock-down could have been on June 6, the anniversary of D Day.

However, by their own mouth, in the person of a high-up WHO official, it was admitted recently, that implementation of the WHO plan to secure the globe from future pandemics had been hindered by disinformation and terrorism, which term covers everything from anti-vaxxers to 15 min. cities! Hopefully, this will encourage people to resist even more the tyranny which is upon us!

This is all tied to project of getting everyone onto digital currency, which of course won’t be possible while people have access to food outside of the supermarket system and other controlled outlets. Hence the huge attacks on farming, small holders and fishing. The next plandemic, will no doubt be an excuse to further decimate food supplies, because if people have access to their own food, it will be able to survive outside of the digital nightmare.

The window of opportunity of getting our act together, by forming resilient communities, is growing smaller by the day. Nonetheless, there are alternative groups arising in the fields of alternative health, community food growing and Law.

Law is particularly important, as in the past civilisations have perished because they became lawless. In the Scriptures, Nineveh is a good example, when Jonah warned that severe judgment was about to be poured out on them by Yahweh, they repented and started keeping the law and they were saved. Not by going to church and having a revival as our modern evangelical church leaders would say.

It is necessary to obey Yahweh’s Law rather than
that of the King, if it differs from the Divine, by doing this, He will protect His people from this time of Jacobs trouble that is upon us now in full measure. Praise Yahweh!!

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New Ensign 179 July 2024
New Ensign 179 July 2024

July 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 178 June 2024

Are You Ready?

The proverbial man on the street, is generally totally unaware of what is really going on behind the scenes as he is kept memorised by the pantomimes presented by main stream media! He thinks things are slowly returning to normal after the plandemic.

This is far from reality, although the enemy’s timescale is not running to schedule, as many patriots have thwarted their plans. Sources say another lockdown has been set for June 6, this year or a date in July, but of course this may be delayed as well. A subscriber to this magazine, said an official notice had been placed on a UK government website warning people to stock up on food sufficient for at least 3 days!

As reported earlier in this magazine the UK is already at war with Russia, as confirmed by Andrew Bridegen MP recently in a short video clip. Rishi Sunak stated that he did not want to be a war time PM, hence the rushed UK General Election, unusually during the holiday season. Not only that, many MPs have already resigned as writs are being prepared against them in respect of the deaths and injuries caused by the cv vaccine. The rats are deserting the ship!

Hardly noticed, is the continued attack on our food supply, with farmers being squeezed on prices and land requisitioned for building, besides the difficulty in planting this year due to flooded fields, or crops already planted rotting in the ground.

The enemy has upped the levels of contamination of food, water and the air we breathe. According to Mark Steele, an electronic warfare expert, the pulsed radiation beams emitted from radar speeding and pollution cameras have a lethal potential. Now the street lampposts have been weaponised to relay 5G and other frequencies, including arrays of cameras, LIFI from the LED lights enabling interiors of buildings to be spied upon!

Yahweh is revealing the secrets of his enemies to us, who with his Power will be overcome. Praise Yahweh!!


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New Ensign 178 June 2024
New Ensign 178 June 2024

June 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 177 May 2024

Remaining Focused

True Israel scattered round the world is today being overwhelmed with bad news, projected over the controlled media with new wars or rumours of war popping up in endless succession, not to mention horrific terrorist attacks, many being stage mannaged, all this has the desired affect of causing many of his people to lose focus on reality and stray from the path Yahweh has set them on!

Nevertheless, many have now ditched their TV and daily newspaper and left the controlled church denominations that will only tell their congregations what the government allows them to! However, Yahweh’s requires that we do not neglect to assemble ourselves together. This is what people are now starting to do, praise Yahweh! This must be encouraged to the point where government appointed local authorities become an irrelevance, where the community (parish) are self-governing under Yahweh’s Law, which is fixed, but rules can be made, with common consent, provided they don’t infringe the Law of Yahweh.

This was how it was in the days of merry England, which the enemy refers to as the dark ages, because they weren’t making money from usury,which was forbidden. The church was the community and administrative centre for the parish, also it was both a healing and centre of good quality entertainment. It bonded the community together, with strength to withstand alien incursions.

In the time of the apostles the churches were separate and not under a central administration, and they differed in their approaches, some good some bad. In contrast the enemy, for ease of management, wants everyone to act and think the same.

The enemy is in panic mode, for it knows its time is short, as more and more people are waking up to the fact we being governed by an alien force and that our politicians are no more than puppets! Praise Yahweh!


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New Ensign 177 May 2024
New Ensign 177 May 2024

May 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 176 April 2024

Time to Be Positive During Massive Corruption in Western Governments and Institutions Exposure Continues Apace

However, will this be enough to awaken true Israel’s complacent people? Many divine signs have been given; including signs in the sky, chemtrails, sun dimming to mention a few. Then there is the coming auspicious total eclipse in America on April 8, 2024, which passes through 7 towns named Nineveh!

Corruption is nothing new, it has been going on for centuries through bribery and unlawful marriages, enabling Edom to take control of the levers of power in true Israel. The enemy is so deceptive and subtle that its treason was hidden from view, except for some very perceptive people who tried to root it out, but were soon hunted down and assassinated!

The time of Babylon crumbling has arrived, Yahweh declares: “For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad”

One of the multi pronged deceptions used by the enemy to deceive Yahweh’s people was tampering with the Scriptures so as to substitute themselves as His elect while demoting His people to the manufactured name of Gentiles!!

Yahweh has raised up a man, for this time, to counter the great Bible deception. Who after 25 years of work has translated the Bible so as to remove the glaring errors therein. Further details and review will be published in the May edition.

Another man from Australia did a short video showing how the KJV Bible was grammatically tampered with to remove the true Word of Yahweh, by mixing in Egyptian sign Language: See HERE.

Its time to stand firm and occupy till HE comes again and above all learn who the real enemy is! Praise Yahweh!!

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New Ensign 176 April 2024
New Ensign 176 April 2024

April 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 175 March 2024

Click to Play

The Enemy Is in Turmoil as Another Rothschild Falls off His Perch

The Rothschild family announced on 26th Feb 2024, that Jacob Rothschild had passed away, however, no mention of the actual date he died was given. At about the same time an unusual parade of 3 horses, one white and two black, were seen riding down the Mall,

It would seem this event was associated with the death of Lord Rothschild. There were 2 black horses and their riders in black uniform with one carrying a furled standard in black while the rider on the white horse was wearing a red uniform holding a dipped black flag in his right hand.

The white horse would represent the monarch, while the red coat, Esau/Edom. The dipped black flag in honour of Jacob Rothschild who was the real head of the British/City of London worldwide Empire, whose family having taken full control of the British Monarch’s assets, when Britain went bankrupt in the early 1800’s. Collectively, the 3 horses represent the 3 world control centres – London, Rome and Washington DC.

The black and white horses represent the “Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil,” symbolically planted in the 64 acres of the financial centre of the City,

Its difficult to know what’s really going on behind the scenes at the top while being fed a daily dose pantomime as EU and USA officials panic over the deteriorating situations in the Ukraine and the Middle East.

While events are not going to plan as the Elite would like, the enemy is becoming more and more dangerous. We must therefore keep focused on Yahweh, not on the beast system’s pronouncements, as many of our people did when they became involved in its med

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New Ensign 175 March 2024
New Ensign 175 March 2024

March 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 174 February 2024

The Trump Card

There has over recent months been much speculation as to whether Trump will win the next election to be the knight in shinning armour come to remove the evil from within the USA body politic. It would be great if it were to happen!

However, Intel received, paints a much more sinister picture. Its the good cop, bad cop scenario. Following Trump’s victory over Hilary Clinton, it did appear that he was “draining the swamp”, but nothing really earth shattering occurred.

While he was in Office, one disaffected elite made a recording, not to be released until after his death,warning how Trump would be used to bring the NWO plan’s to fruition. First he would be used as a honey trap to attract USA patriots, so they could be identified and subsequently eliminated, for which purpose c-o-v-i-d conveniently came along. No surprise, Trump was at the fore demanding maximum uptake of the jabs and forced vaccination.

Peoples’ memories are short, a few years have gone by and already the patriots and disaffected are routing for Trump again!

Not only that, it has come to light that his son-in-law Jared Kushner during Trump’s term of office was in fact de facto president residing in building number 666, 5th Avenue New York. For all we know Kushner may still be still be in the same post using demented Biden as proxy, who has done a marvellous job in raising the popularity of Trump.

One also has to take into account that the WEF’s plan is to do away with national governments and rule through local authorities of each nation state. Here in the UK one can already see LA’s being geared up to do this by endeavouring to implement 15 Min. Cities!

With this in mind, something may be caused to happen that will necessitate the cancelling of elections, proclaiming marshal law which will be administered locally with an army already to hand disguised as immigrants billeted in 5* hotels. to enforce it! But praise Yahweh we know their evil plans won’t succeed!!

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New Ensign 174 February 2024
New Ensign 174 February 2024

February 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF

New Ensign 173 January 2024

Wishing You a Happy and Resilient New Year!

WHILE MANY ARE PREDICTING 2024 as a year of doom and gloom, the New Ensign sees glimmers of light appearing as we begin to exit the dark tunnel of tyranny and evil. However, we have to be resilient and sufficiently prepared to be able to withstand the enemy’s last onslaught in its death throws.

Maintaining a positive state of mind, free of fear and knowing who the real enemy is, is 90% of winning the battle. The readers of this magazine are well aware of this, so also is the enemy, hence the constant output of fear mongering from their MSM.

In these dark days it is most import that we form local networks with our kinsmen outside of local authority control, which after all, is just a branch of central government or what the Scriptures refer to as the beast system!

We the Adamite/Nordic/Aryan race were once dominant across the whole of the Northern Hemisphere and much of the rest of the world bringing beauty, well being and prosperity. It was always the aim of this race to leave the world a better place than when it first arrived!

Brushing away the cobwebs of falsified history a picture is emerging of a vast area ruled not centrally, but locally, under what would be described as Common Law and therefore with no need for a parasitical bureaucracy destroying real resources. The other races lived in harmony but separately from the dominant Adamites, That is, until Satan’s children, who have masqueraded under various names, decided to grab this prosperity for themselves.

This was done by dividing the huge expanse into artificial areas and calling them nations and empires, then through the Silk Route merchants. the Kings’ borders became franchise areas who received commission on goods sold in their territories. Down the centuries the word race was redefined to mean area of birth rather than tribal origin. If there were to be an English, French, German, Swedish and Russian man, in similar uniform standing together one could only identify them as Caucasian but if a Chinaman or Negro was in the group – they could be picked out. In other words the enemy has taught our great tribe – HIS PEOPLE to hate one another more than the real enemy! His people are starting to wake up to reality, the veil is being lifted. Praise Yahweh!!

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New Ensign 173 January 2024
New Ensign 173 January 2024

January 2024 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF