You Before The World Was Framed

You Before The World Was Framed

WE NOW GO TO A SUBJECT, WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT ONE WITH WHICH PEOPLE SHOULD BECOME MORE FAMILIAR, since it contains areas of tremendous interest to the Bible student; as it surely should, since it pertains to the household of the Most High God. We are now going to talk about you, you, before the foundations of the world, you, before the worlds were framed you, in the beginning. Strange as it may seem, there is one problem that has been besetting Christianity for some time, and this is, as they follow the passages and texts taught in individual denominations to support areas of doctrines of the faith, and have familiarized themselves within these areas, dealing with important events, such as events around the Messiahship of Christ and His atonement; here they have lost all concept of the great background of our history as it relates to us, before we entered into this world of experience.