Wednesday Night Bible Study 15th May 1968

Wednesday Night Bible Study 15th May 1968

QUESTION: The trees of the garden are for food. But the other tree?

ANSWER: God spoke of this. Of all the trees for food, but this tree of ‘good and evil’ was a race tree. And they were not to partake of that racial tree. Adam was told all about this, but Eve was not. In fact before there was any Eve, Adam walked the earth with God and named all the animals. And then Adam was shown the races of the earth by God and Adam saw that there was no help mate for him. So God separated the female portion out of Adam and made Eve, that they might come out of one flesh. Because he had begotten Audaum in His own image.

So Adam and Eve were begotten of God after His own likeness in what the Hebrew says; the word is Bara, to begat. And Eve, though the Septuagint was tampered with, it still holds to the two words, Bara and Yatsar, the meaning, to bring forth issue and to form out of substance and create like a new thing. So God created the Asiatics and they were given a spirit, but not of HIS spirit, and given a soul consciousness in the earth. This is the Asiatic race. And for thousands of years they spread out over the earth into Europe to the continent of Lemuria and Atlantis. And these lands were populated by these people created by the MOST HIGH. And maybe He didn’t necessarily just create one set of people, for there were several races created by the MOST HIGH.