Wednesday Night Bible Study – 13th January 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 13th January 1965

QUESTION: I have heard the word mentioned here of Inner-earth.

ANSWER: Yes, a lot of people in there might want out. Ha.

QUESTION: Where does choice or self‑will come into ones experience?

ANSWER: Well, it is with self‑will that people get into trouble. In the first place our race came out of the Celestial, being begotten in the Celestial of the spirit. Then of course we will only go briefly into this because most of you now know that the Celestial plains are dimensions of light, energy and organization. And that it is no less a tangible realm just because it is spiritual than there is in a physical plain. We are going to classify these words: consciously, repetitiously, continually because one can’t understand anything concerning the plains of spirit until they realize it is just a dimension.

And that as we talk about something being spiritual it is a plain of Light, it is a dimension in which a Celestial being is formed. And of course there are many plains in Gods Universe. We have the electronic plain which is the plain of all material creation which can be tested in the chemical law. Anything which can come through the test tubes, anything which reflects the particles of light, and has a spectrographic analyst, and can be synthesized in electronic energy, protons, electrons, so this again is the physical dimension. The spiritual dimension is a dimension of Light, and Light has weight, has particles, has velocities. Light can be slowed down by the density of what it travels through, by environment, by different wave lengths of different vibratory fields outside of its own.