Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th February 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th February 1965

BEFORE WE GO INTO THE QUESTIONS, WE MIGHT JUST MENTION SOMETHING MRS. WOODARD was talking about, in the Book of Revelation. Whereas what pertained to the Book of Revelation might not pertain to any other Book unless some area of prophecy, but we think this is rather unique about it for it is fraudulent and John never wrote it. John wrote the Book of Revelation but there are lots of things translated today which he never wrote, and this is rather interesting, for you can take the lexicons and you can also go back into the earliest of the codices of the Greek and you find this is true. John never wrote in Greek, he wrote entirely in Aramaic.

It was translated from Aramaic to Greek. This work was laboriously done down in Alexandria, Egypt where Mark was pastor of the Christian church there. Now; at the end of the Book, this was never existent until about the 3rd., century, when this passage was put in this Book and it said: ‘If any man shall take away from the words of this Book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things written in this Book.’ In the first place when you look at that verse you know it was phoney from the word go because the Book of Life was written before the foundation of the world. God said: those HE did foreknow, HE did pre‑determine that they would conform to the image of the son (embodiment).