Wednesday Night Bible Study 1 February 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1 February 1967

QUESTION: Do we have any evidence that the Adamic Race are Aryan?

ANSWER: This is a unique question. But it is fundamental. Aryan was the name which showed up in ancient Persia, in ancient India and everywhere the White Race went. Wherever they migrated, as they came out of the high Steppes, or the mountains where Eden existed in Central Asia, there also we find this name of Aryan. The four rivers out of the Garden are not to be identified with later rivers of the same name, because those four rivers came out of ancient Eden. When the Adamites came out of that area they were called Manu and Aryan. And these words meant that they were sons of YAH (Genesis 4:26). YAH was also one of the oldest words we have in language anywhere for GOD. The word YAHWEH was the name of GOD in the ancient Coptic Hebrew and Aramaic.

We know that Aryan was a name for the White Race in its earliest history and of course they continued to be Aryans. The White Persians were Aryans. The Germans referred to themselves as Aryans way back in the earliest formation of their tribal life. The Anglo-Saxons called themselves Aryans.