Why Anti-Christ Will Not Capture The Kingdom

Why Anti-Christ Will Not Capture The Kingdom

WE ARE TALKING ON THIS SUBJECT AS TO WHY ANTI-CHRIST WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL IN THE ATTEMPT TO CAPTURE THE KINGDOM. Of course there are a number of people who are despondent when they see the apparent areas of gain being made by the forces of the Anti-Christ, and then there are also a number of people who are so blind that they do not know who Anti-Christ is. There are great numbers of people who may be discouraged when they see great areas of creeping socialism sweeping across their nation, but they have not as yet associated this with the program of Anti-Christ, or the policies of the Prince of Darkness.

Now; there is one thing we want to call to your attention, and it is in the Book of Colossians. Here we have been told that the Man Christ Jesus is the embodiment of Yahweh (God). We have been told that by Him, and for Him were all things created that were in the heavens, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers, all things were created by Him and for Him. More than this we were told that since He is before all things that by Him were all things made to consist. Therefore we are assured that since the embodied man Christ Jesus was the embodiment of God and since the created Universe was created by Him, and every dominion and every power that exists on the face of the earth is His, and since He had declared that He is going to control and end all things with all this dominion acknowledging Him, and acknowledging that He is God, then we can be well assured that He is capable of bringing this about, if we have the capacity to understand that Christ was the fullness of Yahweh.