We are not Alone

We are not Alone

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT “WE ARE NOT ALONE,” we realize that there are many things which are not discussed in churches, especially today when so many Clergy have become the instruments of propaganda and brainwashing, who actually spend their time in instructing their congregations to follow the enemies of our faith and our culture, and our civilization.

Now when many of these false concepts have led to revolutions and the creation of false responsibilities in the minds of men, causing those who make up the great bulk of Christendom to turn their back upon their destiny, until their awakening takes place.

Today the churches in our land, many of them are actually proclaiming a program of interracial marriage, integration which reaches the height eventually of dissolving our race, producing a great mongrel polygraph society which the WORD of God curses. For there is one thing which we must understand today as the children of the MOST HIGH, that the first and foremost ability we have is to preserve our species and our racial self respect with the greatest of all transgressions in this scripture being the mutation of this HOLY seed and the loss of spiritual capacities which accompany those series of mutations as it relates to transferring these concepts and ideas into a physical world. We today, find that by processes of error, our nation and our society is being enveloped by the patterns of revolution which seek to destroy and subordinate the great strength of God’s kingdom.