The United States of America Foretold In The Holy Scriptures

The United States of America Foretold In The Holy Scriptures

Rev. Pitts: In entering the sublime arcane of inspired prophecy, we are deeply impressed with a scene that is laid in the land of Midian, where, from the burning bush, the voice of Almighty God arrested the attention of the wondering prophet:

“Put off thy shoes from off thy feet: for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”

NO SUBJECT PRESENTED TO THE HUMAN MIND IMPOSES PROFOUNDER REVERENCE, GREATER CAUTION, AND DEEPER RESEARCH, than an elucidation of prophetic truth; and yet no theme has been more prolific of fanaticism among the incautious and adventurous in almost every age.

We must look to the Scriptures themselves for direction to a true and legitimate interpretation of their own meaning. It is important also to discriminate between “secret things that belong to God, and things that are revealed, which belong to us and our children.” For want of this discernment, Millerism, and all that class of fanatical fancies, have deluded misguided thousands.

Whenever, therefore, an interpreter of prophecy attempts to tell when the day of judgment will come, just rest assured he is wise above what is written; for we are taught by the Great Prophet himself, “Of that day, and hour, knoweth no man; no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. “This Divine announcement should always quiet such unauthorized pretensions.