They Shall Acknowledge My Sons

They Shall Acknowledge My Sons

WE TURN TONIGHT INTO THE SUBJECT OF GOD DECLARING, ‘THEY SHALL ACKNOWLEDGE MY SONS.’ And I think it most important that we understand these facets as they relate to you and me. As they relate especially to the people who constitute his household, who make up tonight, a company of nations and a great nation in the earth.

It is a significant thing that thru out the entire background of antiquity, there has been continued references to the sons of the Eternal Father in the far off distant vastness of space. Out of the ancient patterns of the ancient world they talked about the sons of the ancient YAHWEH-PUTAH; THE God of all times. That when great changes took place in the earth and continents slipped beneath the waters of the Atlantic, the migrating people across North Africa were carrying the great documents of Horus and the prophecies that related to the kingdom of the Most High. They talked about reconstructing for themselves and building another kingdom in the earth. And as they talked about this, they also talked about the prophecies concerning the God of the heavens whose displeasure had caused the loss of their continent in which they had resided. And they looked for the day when the sons of YAHWEH-PUTAH would walk the earth and be embodied as they.