The Sword of The Lord

The Sword of The Lord

We turn tonight in our thinking to the subject ‘The sword of the LORD.’ There is nothing more important for us tonight than to know that nothing has gotten out of hand. God has not released His control over His Universe. Nor is there any part of His Universe which is not subject to His authority. And eventually these powers of darkness which think they can defeat the Kingdom and carry out their assassinations of earth, shall be broken and subordinated to the power that be.

We are thinking as we survey these conditions of an edict that we see in preparation. The United Nations has just completed an entirely new order, which is to take effect October 2. And of course, is established as a new measure of obedience. It is an executive order in the area of the United Nations to all of the member nations. I point out to you that it is called ‘Race Relations Declaration.’ And it binds all members for an immediate end to all discrimination.

We think this is rather significant for it binds every man, every organization, every institution and every educational program, all religious activities and all corporations, profit or non-profit, all existent operations in Hayfield, to these complete and unique United Nations regulations. They also make it a crime to discriminate in any area whatsoever as attendance in churches or in education. They go so far as to say that such discrimination based on race, colour, or creed, or origin, is even in areas of education or in profit institutions is illegal. They call upon all member states to immediately enforce this. And in this instance, I will show you how far they go.