The Seal of God

The Seal of God

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, NEVER HAS IT BEEN SO IMPORTANT THAT WE UNDERSTAND THE SECRET FORCES AND SACRED LAWS OF THE DIVINE NATURE IN GOD’S KINGDOM. Those that notice that the scriptures talk about ‘The mark of the beast’ will notice that the scriptures divide the nations of the world and the people of the world into two categories.

The nations of God’s kingdom on one side and on the other hand, the Beast system. The Beast system is made up of all of those forces which object to the reign of God, to the establishment of God’s kingdom in the earth. If we are to recognize our position in earth, we must realize that this struggle for the earth is an old and ancient one. That since Lucifer’s rebellion, the earth has been under his control. And since this was a part of the Universe, which he once ruled, it was not taken away from him. But the direction that the whole world under Lucifer shall be brought into subjection is a part of prophecy and of destiny. In God’s plan, HE transferred to earth, here where a people of earth were trapped by Lucifer’s rebellion, God’s own household. And in transferring HIS household into earth, HE established the Adamic race. In the establishment of the Adamic race then we have a history of a people whose relationship is found in this book we call the Bible. For this Bible belongs to your race and to your race alone.