The Power of The Resurrection

The Power of The Resurrection

WE WILL NOW TURN TO THE SCRIPTURAL RECORD OF THE EVENTS RELATING TO THE CRUCIFIXION WHICH WE ARE OBSERVING AT THIS TIME, and think upon the magnitude of the power that was manifested in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Last Sunday we talked to you about how the crowds went out to crown Him king and shouted, ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ ‑ and they called upon Him to accept the crown; how the Essene company, the true priesthood, had been waiting for this day, because the priesthood in the Temple was not the priesthood of Israel; how apostasy and darkness had taken over, and the Canaanites and the apostates were in power; how the great multitude of people had gathered in Jerusalem and how they had come from all over Palestine to crown Christ king, but they had prepared for Him both a crown and a chalice.

Remember that Joseph of Arimathea had Demetrius, the silversmith, carve a chalice with Christ’s face upon it. But the disciples, and all those that were waiting, thought that Christ would take the crown and the kingdom, but He took that day the chalice and told them, ‘If I took the crown, I would reign over you in bondage and in slavery, and this I cannot do. But the day will come when I will take the crown, when My servants will fight and the kingdom will not be given to the Jews.’ And thus it was, at that time, He took the chalice instead of the crown.