The Mark of Israel

The Mark of Israel

BEFORE WE GO INTO OUT SUBJECT WE WANT TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION THE FALSE PROPHET WHICH WE TALKED TO YOU ABOUT THE OTHER DAY. We were talking about where the False Prophet would have the most effect, would be in the Church. It wouldn’t do him much good to prophecy anywhere else.

A False Prophet which would arise in the Church of Jesus Christ would be a serious thing, for he would seek to turn many away. We have cited to you that most of the False Prophet’s are heard today inside of the National Council and the World Council of Church’s. We pointed out to you that they no longer believe in the Virgin Birth or the Deity of Christ or the Blood of Atonement. Then this week they came out with the limit of Apostasy. In Geneva the W.C.C. lavished praise on Communist China. Then the Ministers under Blake came out to say that Communist China was making more progressive gains than any nation on the face of the earth. They were relieving the problems of their people and they would fight to relieve the problems of the people of the world.

They apologized to Red China for our fighting the Viet Cong. Then they said: all countries were going down the road to Communism and Socialism so the sooner the world revolution is established then the better off the world would be. Since they no longer believe that Christ was the Embodiment of God, then they can move into the camp of the Communists, because they said that Communism was like a great Religion, and in their sacrifice they were pouring themselves out to save the world.