The Invisible Power of The Spirit

The Invisible Power of The Spirit

WE ARE THINKING THIS AFTERNOON OF THE GREY AREAS, IMPLIED OF UNSEEN FORCES AROUND THE KINGDOM FOR PROTECTION, and the relationship which God has with you, bringing to your cognition the things that you should know. There is no question but that we are living in one of the most important periods in the history of our race. As we have told you before, you are not here by an accident in time and measure which suddenly placed you in human experience. Often we have heard it stated, I did not ask to be born. But this is of course, rather a short-sighted position.

There is no one in this room this afternoon, who did not volunteer to come. There is no one in this room this afternoon who was not begotten by the Father in the plains of spirit before the world was framed. There is not one in the single Household of the Most High God who is not spirit of His Spirit and life of His Life, who had viewed the catastrophes which had taken place in the violation of Divine law. And as such, had witnessed what had happened to this creation, especially as it had affected the earth. And when God in the majesty of His Grace said, ‘I will put this in order’, You said, ‘We will go.’ When HE said, ‘I shall send My own children into the world and we will build a Kingdom there, subordinating the darkness,’ you were the volunteers.

And of all times in human history, to have been selected by the Father to come this, is without question, the most interesting period. And I would not have exchanged it for any part of history or time. For you have been born into a period when you are going to see a climax of events. The ultimate triumph of God’s Kingdom. And there is no doubt in my mind that you who are seated here, that almost all of you will witness the climax of this age and the re-entry of Christ back into the human field of existence.