The Household of God in Tomorrow

The Household of God in Tomorrow

WE TURN IN OUR DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING THE TREND OF THIS GREAT HOUSEHOLD OF THE ETERNAL, and we have discussed before the origin of races whose antiquity stretches back into the ages of yesterday, reaching back over a period of a million and one‑half years. The rediscovery of the content of the Scripture which tells us how God created, and recreated after the catastrophe of the great flood, and of the struggles going on in the Universe between the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of the Eternal God. We have talked about the defeat of the hosts of Lucifer and their being cast out of the heavens into this area of the Milky Way and into our Solar system where our earth exists.

The catastrophe which overwhelmed Ancient races and the establishment of God’s Household; His Kingdom, your race; all has been covered. We have followed the course of this race and we have discovered that this race came down out of the High Steppes of Asia where God has placed them in their beginning. We have traced this race as it went through their migrations and travelled through out the world and how some of its Savants and leaders were making their impact upon every branch of earth. How these people went through migrations in all directions, one however was down into the areas of Mesopotamia and then on into Ancient Palestine, the other at that time moving on into Europe.