The Adamic Race Became Nations

The Adamic Race Became Nations

WE HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING OF EVENINGS PART OF THE AGE OLD PASSAGES OF EARTH, of the ages of anthropology and the evidence of geology, of the ethnic tracing of men and of nations of the last eight thousand years. The traces of human existence back to 600,000 years and then on back to one million years, and not one and three-fourths periods of years times of human existence or man’s existence.

We have cited to you in these messages the differences in the men of the earlier creations and the hu-men who were the children of the Most High God. We have pointed out to you in the book of Genesis, the difference in two creations, one of early men who were created upon the earth and whom God said were good, and then the sending of His own begotten spiritual children out of the heavens to earth, the embodied offspring of the Most High as the Adamic race. The earlier creations then the sixth creation of earth, this Adamic creation after the seventh day, or in the climax of it.