That You Should be Mine

That You Should be Mine

AS WE GO INTO OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT, ‘THOU ART MINE,’ it is a magnificent thing for a people who can recognize that the ‘Majesty’ of all the Universe and all the creation and the greatness of it, the immenseness of the great sidereal systems and the Galaxies and the island Universe, into this small solar system that you are in, makes up all things by the Eternal YAHWEH and that without HIM, was not anything made.

Recognizing the tremendous power and knowledge of such a Creator and then recognizing HIM, not as just a force, but as a person and then finding a relationship to this person, and that relationship stems forth the great Mystery of the Ages.

Out of the majesty of all of the things we see created, we reflect upon the personality of HE who created them and know that this Eternal YAHWEH, GOD was embodied, as a man in the earth and still retained the fullness of HIS Godhead. Thus it was that the man Christ Jesus walked the earth and in HIM dwelt the fullness of YAHWEH-God, as HE walked bodily here on earth. Thus we are told that by HIM were all things made and without HIM was not anything made. When we think of these things and we look out over the races on the face of the earth, we see an adverse pattern. We see these races in every type of revolution and revolt against these things we know to be the Word of God, because they have been maintained unto us in our time.