Sound The Alarm

Sound The Alarm

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT, WE REMEMBER THE VOICE OF HAGGAI, the Prophet thru whom God sounded HIS voice and called attention to an exact day, and the 24th day of the 9th month, the 1335 day of the Algerian Calendar, or in our 1917, when the British took over the mandate of Palestine, as supported by the League of Nations. This was an important event because it was 2520 years to the day from the time when the city of Jerusalem fell before the power of Nebuchadnezzar. Now you have advanced into the period which we call the time of ‘Jacob’s trouble.’ And we again see that the hand of God is measuring time.

And now we see that the abomination of the desolator is not standing in the Holy Place. This is most significant because within 1290 days, most of these things should be fulfilled which were spoken of by the Prophet which from this hour should be consequential as the naming of the Holy place, as the absorption of the Jews. Remember Jesus, in the book of Matthew, warned the true people of Israel, that they should then get out of that land. Get out of the Middle East and stay far away whenever they see the abomination in the Holy place, because judgements are going to fall on Old Jerusalem.