Resisting Unto Blood

Resisting Unto Blood

OPEN UP TO THE BOOK OF HEBREWS, and in the passage where the Apostle Paul expresses. “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” This may seem like a strange and peculiar statement of the Apostle Paul, but he was speaking unto Christians and onto those members of the church. And he was confronted by a operation which was existing in to the church. And I think that it even existed more specially, strenuously, even today. That is the vast numbers within the structure of the church which sought always a easy way out through pacifism and peace. That they never at any time considered that there would be any operation of violence that they would have to become involved in.

Of course, we can understand that, when Jesus was talking about the end of the age, that there would be a lot of things that would transpire. One of the things that He talked about was in the Gospel of Luke, when He told the disciples and those that were round about Him, that there would be great earthquakes in diverse places and that there would be famine, pestilence, and sights and great sounds, and that they would see signs from the heavens. Before all these things, however, ‘they will try to lay hands on you, and persecute you, they will deliver you up to their synagogue and then put you in their prisons. They will bring you up before the kings and rulers. For My Names sake.’