A “Politically Correct” Christianity?

A “Politically Correct” Christianity?

A “POLITICALLY CORRECT” CHRISTIANITY? In an effort to maintain attendance and a level of economic well being, many former fundamentalist denominations are now striving for “politically correctness!” What once was only a trend is now a matter of survival.

Compromising God’s Word is so commonplace that few Christians even flinch anymore [spiritually speaking] when their churches embrace that which God’s Word has clearly forbidden.

A subtle move, via “political correctness,” is also no in progress toward curtailing freedom of speech. Subjugating our God given rights is a prime goal of the enemies of Christ. The time has come when “political correctness” is determined by the hearer ‑ not by what the writer or speaker meant. Let us make it perfectly clear that slanderous terms has always been and will always be unacceptable.

However, valid scurrilous remarks are being used to create a door whereby the right to freedom of speech can be circumvented. Remember, the not so orthodox religious beliefs of the Branch Dravidians gave “license” to disregard their freedom of religion, and the right to life and liberty.

Violence with guns is also being used to invade our right to keep and bear arms. It is also obvious that drugs have been used by Satan as the single most important instrument in creating chaos in our society, and to seize or freedoms from us under the pretext of a so‑called war on drugs, which is noting more or less than a war on our freedoms.