Patterns of Judgment

Patterns of Judgment

AS YOU TURN TO OUR SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, I think that you are well aware that there are people in the world today who have great fear as to the knowledge of God’s judgment. The relationship of the believer and his father is always found in the concept of the individual and in the background of the teaching he has received as a Child, or, has he been raised in any area of theistical or theological thought. Therefore the attitude of the Individual as to what is to come to pass, or what God’s attitude is toward him is all dependent on what he has been taught.

And we recognize that from the beginning of Christ’s teaching to his disciples, and the great areas which preceded this through out the great development of theological knowledge of our race that there was biblical teaching, and foundational teaching concerning God’s plan, concerning the individual, concerning his destiny, the conclusion of his purposes, and ultimately what was to be his destiny. We are to understand that in the multiples of old testament scriptures, with a great number of these scriptures not found in our bible, but they still exist. And in the records which we have of the scriptures we can pick up these things in Revelation. In the New Testament, in the new Covenant we continue to pick up the pattern of Revelation. We are vitally interested in what Christ taught his disciples, what he brought back to their remembrance, and what the spirit bears witness to in the days of the early church.

We are more concerned about their opinions and the things they received directly from God, than we are as to what was interpreted in Rome, or any of the Protestant leaders from that day onward. We are well aware that an attempt has been made through out the years seeking to change the foundation of scriptural truth. They also by these changes pervert God and his nature in many ways and have created barriers to divine understanding.