Occupying The Kingdom

Occupying The Kingdom

WE ARE SPEAKING THIS AFTERNOON ON OCCUPYING THE KINGDOM. It is always important that we know where we are and what time it is, and that we understand our relationship with the plans of God. There should be no question in the mind of the children of God as to who they are, because HIS spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. That we are the progeny of God that we are HIS household, HIS offspring. It is also important for us to understand clearly that when we talk about the kingdom of God, that we are talking about a political social and spiritual order.

A lot of people today, and their theology that we have discussed at various times, have been somewhat neutralized in their responsibilities to earth, because their relationship with God has been one of spiritual perception. It is totally tied up in the ritual and worship they find themselves engaged in week after week as they enter into the areas of church activities and the maintenance of their souls so that they will be in the proper relationship to re-enter the spiritual realms. And the responsibility that they have, this constitutes the kingdom of God. This is the interpretation of what Jesus said as HE said, “My kingdom is not of this era.” And it is translated as tho HIS kingdom did not belong in this world at all. There are then many theologians who say, that since the Kingdom is not of this world, then it is up in the heavens; it is only a spiritual realm. Therefore there is to be no interest and no relationship to the social errors or the responsibilities that exist in earth for the true Christian.