AMONG THE MANY MISTAKEN AND UNSCRIPTURAL NOTIONS, commonly taught in nearly all churches, is the idea that the flood mentioned in the Bible, covered all the earth. It states everybody on earth was drowned excepting Noah and his family, who escaped death by being in the ark. Many churches have firmly insisted the Bible says this, when there is ample proof the flood was not worldwide. With this teaching the churches have destroyed the faith of multitudes of people. They have made atheists or agnostics out of hundreds of thousands of people who might have become active Christians, if they had only been taught the truth about the Bible.
In Genesis chapter 6, we read that Yahweh found the people so corrupt He regretted He had ever created them, so He decided to wipe them out by a flood. He warned righteous Noah of the coming flood and told Noah to build a great boat, or ark, in which he and his family might find safety and where they might preserve a few of each kind of the animals from that area. Genesis chapter 7 tells how Noah received the final warning the time was now at hand and he should move into the ark. Then it says, according to the King James Bible: