The assassination mystery unraveled by Barry Chamish’s online book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, links it to the modern Knights Templar. This is no surprise to those who are aware of the designs which the modern Freemasons have on the Holy Land, i.e., to seize the Temple Mount and recreate Jerusalem as a Masonic city from which to rule the world. To appreciate the enormous political ambition and power of modern Freemasonry, you will want to read Barry’s update on the Rabin assassination. It seems that the coroner who presided over Yitzhak Rabin’s autopsy also conducted another autopsy on one Alisdair Rosslyn Sinclair — a blue blood Knight Templar who would have been a front runner in the Merovingian campaign for election as King of Jerusalem.
Modern-Day Knights Templar in The Holy Land
Modern-Day Knights Templar in The Holy Land