Lift Up Your Heads

Lift Up Your Heads

GOD KNEW THAT THE CONDITIONS AND EVENTS OF THE LAST FEW YEARS of this age would be very terrible, so He has provided many scriptures to encourage us as we find ourselves in the final, titanic death-struggle between good and evil. The scriptures tell us plainly that the awful events we see are marks of the end of the Age and therefore mean that our Savior Jesus Christ will soon thereafter return. If they did not reveal our position in history, they would be of no comfort: what good are mere platitudes to a person who is wondering if his family is about to be fried in an atom-bomb explosion? But these scriptures bring hope because they show that we have reached almost the very end of our troubles.

Unfortunately, much of this is lost by mistranslation out of the Hebrew and Greek in which the Bible was written. Passages of clear, specific meaning in the original languages are mistranslated into vague uncertainty. One of these is found in Luke 21:25,26, where Jesus Christ is giving the signs by which we may recognize the end of the Age. As found in your King James Version, it reads thus: “. and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”