Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING FOLLOWING THE DISCUSSION WE HAD LAST SUNDAY NIGHT, concerning the mighty armies of God, the mighty hosts of God which number thousands times thousands, and times thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands, until the millions of the hosts of God are being gathered. And we are aware that at this time we are paying a definite part in divine history. We are the children of God. And there are certain things which we must bring to your attention. Thus we turn to these passages which God wanted placed in the minds of the people as he instructed Moses to speak unto them.

So in the book of Deuteronomy, we read these words: “For what nation is so great, who has a God so high as my people Israel. For YAHWEH is in all things which we call upon for things above all. For what nation is so great that has statutes so righteous as all of the law which has proceeded forth from HIM, this day. Only take heed unto thyself and keep thy soul diligently lest thou forget the things thine eye hath seen. Then beware, lest thou forget YAHWEH thy God.” Then going on it says: “Thou shalt love thy God, and shall not go after any other God, and thou shalt swear by HIS name. For all of the people round about are no gods. For YAHWEH thy God is an all powerful God. And HE will quicken with anger if thee serve other gods.”