Jerusalem Old and New

Jerusalem Old and New

THIS AFTERNOON, WE SPOKE ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘GOD’S ARMY.’ And tonight we are speaking on the subject of ‘Jerusalem — Old and New.’  It would be impossible to have covered the subject of Jerusalem and the conditions that relate to the prophecy of this hour with a single message.  But there are some things we must make clear as to the understanding of the situations that exist in the world today.  No understanding of this can take place until you know who the nations which constitute God’s Kingdom are.  It is impossible to interpret prophecy, or to understand to whom the promises were made, with whom the Covenants were made, to whom they are directed, or what they contain unless you know these facts.  Thus it is that anything which relates to world conditions must be studied and viewed looking at the blue print which God Almighty has set down thru the ages for the development of His Kingdom.  There is one attribute that belongs to deity, and does not belong to individuals and is only granted from time to time by special permission to a prophet.  And that is that in the mind of God, and in the ability of His Omniscience to know what is to come to pass over the courses that are ahead.

Someone said that cannot be done, that you are no longer able to deny God the opportunity, and the right which is His, because prophecy has fulfilled itself with absolute literacy down through the generations.  Things which God said would come to pass — statements made by Jesus the Christ through His disciples, were a few hours away, and some weeks away and some years away.  And then they came to pass.  Then there are things which God has ordained for a time, and which are special have also come to pass.  And although the forces of evil have directed their influence, according to their abilities and the magnitude of their energy, there is no one thing they have been able to do that has not already been measured in the mind of God, knowing the exact proportion that they would have the ability to apply.  And He has applied enough vision and understanding, and has persuaded and directed the intelligence in the minds of men to accomplish the results. He wants to counteract the forces of evil.