Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 98

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 98

IN OUR TAPE SERIES, ‘THE MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM‘, we have covered much of Ancient History. Some have asked: Just what did Dr. Swift teach that was so different than what even some of so called ‘Identity’ ministers preach? Basically we would say that Wesley A. Swift under inspiration as a Warrior Priest for his God, and his Race went much further back into the eons of yesterday to the beginning of this story of a Race of People who came into physical earth as these Aryans, came through the Adamic Race for a purpose.

We would say that Dr. Swift was guided through his education into an intensive study of both sides of the physical picture of what we call ‘The Church’. His father was a Methodist Minister and he was raised in such a home, and he himself became a minister at an early age. We believe this was simply his journey forward in the path of his destiny. He was then introduced to what people call ‘Identity’ and we believe this was but a giant step forward into the total story contained in the Scriptures. Immediately things clicked in his mind and the Scriptures then made more of an impression on this young minister.

Dr. Swift under ‘Inspiration’ realized that some time back in the eons of yesterday, in fact before even the foundations of this earth were laid, that YAHWEH had brought forth Spirit or Celestial children for a great purpose. The more Dr. Swift studied and searched the more he realized that this story was never put forward as he had studied to be a minister, perhaps for a purpose. Then began Dr. Swift’s study of old books he could find to confirm what he under inspiration was allowed to learn.