Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 137

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 137

The Light of Christmas

HERE IN DECEMBER OF 1993 WE FIND THAT THE ENEMY IS STILL TRYING TO TAKE OUR HOLIDAY AWAY FROM US, and they have been working toward that goal for years.

No matter that December 25., is not the birth date of our Saviour, and we do not believe that it is, yet still that is the day that the Christians chose on which to celebrate the birth of our Redeemer and Saviour, therefore do not let the enemy take this celebration away from you as they have other items of your inheritance. We believe as did Dr. Swift and other ministers, that the Christ Child was not born December 25., although his conception date was probably in the latter part of December, and in olden times this date was counted as the birthday of the child. We realize that many necessary things have been added to our Christmas celebration of our race, by keeping CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS, this is a family Holiday for our race.

Today we find the Jews celebrating a holiday known as Hanukkah, but you must remember where this Celebration came from. In the time period between the Old and New Testament, we find that it was the Maccabees, Judahites who were carrying the load of trying to hold the Israelite control of Judea, and especially Jerusalem. After winning a decisive battle against the Edomite Jews, the people of Israel celebrated victory with their “Feast of Lights”.

Later as the Edomites were able to take control from the Israelites in Jerusalem, then the Maccabees who were left alive finally migrated to the west following in the footsteps of those of their people who had gone before. They showed their lineage by settling in Germany for this had been established long ago, with Judah on the east of the western Kingdom outline. Thus actually today then Hanukkah is a German celebration taken over and claimed by the Jews who are not of Judah, or any other tribe of Israel. You cannot take one child out of a family of 12 sons and make him a Jew by claiming some of his inheritance. Once more we call attention to the Candelabra of the Israelites, and of the Jewish celebration.

Here in December of 1993., we find that World Brotherhood has not been able to set in place this so called “world government” program which they have pushed all these years in their secret meetings of those organizations such as CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Builderbergers, and so forth. These organizations of International wealthy people thinking they know best how to govern all people of the world have failed to bring to a climax their goal of a One World Government.