Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 121

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 121

The Power of The Spirit

“For the earnest expectations of the Creature (referring to the physical body) waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God.” (Romans 8)

THE APOSTLE PAUL COMING TO THE END OF HIS SERVICE HERE IN THE FLESH was leaving recorded great revelations for the children of the kingdom. Your references as to the participants in this story take you back to Genesis 3:17‑19; back to Adam the progenitor of a race.

Always we hear this expression: “we came into this world with nothing, and we shall go out the same way.” Many people take this to mean that we came in as Spirit and we are thus finished with this physical body at death. Yet looking closer at this situation we would remind you that to enter, and participate in a physical world as the sons and daughters of God, to build HIS Kingdom in earth, you had to have a physical body to dwell in. Thus how did you acquire such a body?