Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 111

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 111

The Millennium – A Book Review

COL. TOTTEN WAS A GREAT BIBLE STUDENT IN HIS DAY, AS WELL AS AN AUTHOR. He was a Presbyterian by denomination, and a staunch Orthodox Christian, being a believer in a literal interpretation of Scripture. We have outlined for you in the past the many proofs uncovered by our author as to the modern identity of the so called ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’. Those are still available if someone does not have a copy. Col. Totten spent much time in research, and wrote several books entitled ‘Our Race’ tracing the westward migration of these Lost Tribes.

Col. Totten was also very interested in chronology which did not always work out. We were more interested in the ‘signs’ of True Israel that he uncovered and traced than we were in his ‘dates’ of future prophecy, since we say: .What will be, will be.

Col. Totten in his time, his span of service, accepted the Christian church philosophy established in the mid 1800’s that the Jews could be the Judah of Scripture, but the rest of Israel he traced Westward to Christian civilization, with the U.S. identified as the Land of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle (Isaiah 18), carrying the personal symbol of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the sons of Joseph.

Our author accomplished this tracing of the Migrations of Israel westward, for the U.S. Congress as they formed the Great Seal of the United States. However he also never lived to see the coming of the people out of the Khazar Kingdom like a cloud, with the World Order now proclaiming them to be Israel since they accepted the religion of Judaism, their only attachment to the land of Palestine as a homeland.