Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1990

Gradually the cover-up of Sandinista election violations by Ex- President Jimmy Carter is being revealed. United Nations officials said they could only hope that on Election Day Carter would tell the world the truth. He could hardly do anything else that day. Remember that it was the Carter administration that helped the Sandinistas come to power, even though they proclaimed Marxist tendencies. According to behind the scene reports it is the Contras who deserve the credit for forcing the election even though the U.S. Congress under pressure from the Internationalists in our nation, cut off aid to the Contras in 1988, thus giving the Sandinistas hope. But the Contras did not quite fade away as was hoped, for on February 14, 1989 at the meeting of the Central American Presidents in El Salvador, Ortega agreed to hold elections by February of 1990 in exchange for Contra demobilization.

After the Nicaraguan elections Castro, should be worried but Washington D.C. seems to be reluctant to press Gorbachev to stop sending supplies to Castro, the fear was that he might turn on Eastern Europe as they try to come out from under the Communist yoke. Now that Gorbachev is using Lithuania as a lesson for all the other countries, perhaps Washington will react differently. Remember the Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement gave Cuba to the Communist, accepted the fact that Cuba was to remain a Communist Country int the Soviet orbit. Did the Carter administration quietly do the same with Nicaragua? The Reagan Administration never accepted the idea that Nicaragua was to remain in the Communist orbit, thus trouble erupted in Central America. And the Administration was tested in Grenada.