Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – December 1990

MARGARET THATCHER: MICHAEL HESELTINE (LABOUR) ON THE LEFT, IS CREDITED WITH BRINGING DOWN MRS. THATCHER, but he could not have done this without some help from within her own party. It is conceded that Mrs. Thatcher as Prime Minister took Britain out of the ‘Welfare State’ which Heseltine’s party had placed her, and moved Britain away from Socialism, and in the process since the choices were hard, she acquired the nickname, .’The Iron Lady’. Behind the scene was the problem as to whether Britain would join the New Unity of Europe.

It is said that Mrs. Thatcher did not approve of this Great New One World of Europe, and would not take Britain into this organization. Besides this Mrs. Thatcher was said to rub the ‘Ego’ of some members of Government the wrong way. After all they said: She was only a Shop Keepers daughter. Then too, she was no colourless. ‘Yes Minister’, no grovelling ‘Yes Minister’, thus she had her enemies. The financial side of this picture plays a great role in what has happened since behind the scene the ECU (European Currency Unit) was putting great pressure on the British Government to join the European Common Market (ECM). Mrs. Thatcher was said to have dug in her heels and was gazing back- ward at history, as if with enraptured nostalgia while the ECU is moving into the future with the courage of their own convictions, if not with any sure idea of the final destination.