Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 59

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 59


THIS IS MY FIFTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. I will soon complete my fifth year of publication with my sixtieth teaching letter in April. As I’m preparing this letter I have noticed the enemy is really using to his utmost his race-card, in a multicultural sense, on television. It’s simply a constant barrage of Satanic ideology.  Anyone who is not aware that we are in a race-war simply hasn’t done his homework. Today the clowns called preachers in the mainstream churches are the greatest race-traitors the world has ever known, and they call it Christianity. Even some in Israel Identity avoid the use of the “R” word thinking they’re doing Yhwh a favour.

Anyone who hasn’t discovered that the Bible is a book about race from the beginning to the end, doesn’t know what true Christianity is all about. Therefore today, those uninformed so-called “Christians” are trying to walk with one arm embracing Yhwh, and the other outstretched to Satan. Ditto for the “universalists” in Israel Identity, who dub it “the restitution of all things.” Until the White race is completely separated and isolated from all the other races, there will be no “restitution of all things.”