Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 46

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 46


THIS IS MY FORTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last lesson, we took up the subject of perverted or “false Odinism.” We discovered it was a farce, and just the opposite of what should be expected of authentic or “true Odinism.” I then quoted a chapter out of a book entitled The Story Of Norway by Hjalmar H. Boyeson. This was a very old book being published in 1886. While this book was very informative, it was based mainly on what is considered Younger Edda, which tends to be somewhat problematical in nature.

Snorre Sturlasson was the author of a book entitled the Heimskringla; he also wrote the Younger or Prose Edda. With this lesson, we are going to concentrate, for the most part, on what is considered Elder Edda. This should give us a truer view of the lifestyle of the Norse Vikings. We were on the subject of Egypt and got sidetracked by the term “ashet tree” on various Egyptian obelisks which led us in turn to the term “ash tree” in Norse Mythology.