Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 14

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 14

THIS IS THE FOURTEENTH IN A SERIES OF TEACHING LETTERS. In my last teaching letter (the thirteenth), I started a study on the Zerah branch of Judah with which a whole lot of people are not familiar. Because this subject covers so much territory, it was not possible to cover it in one lesson. For this reason, this lesson will be a continuation of letter number thirteen. (If you don’t have lesson #13, you will need it to go along with this one.) It was shown in the last lesson, how the Zerah branch of Judah had kings of royalty long before the House of David.

It was discussed how the two royal branches of Judah (Pharez and Zerah) were eventually merged together. That is another important story which I will cover in the future. We learned the Zerah branch left Egypt before the main body of Israelites went through the Red Sea, and became the famous Trojans of history in Asia Minor. Approximately 400 years later, they eventually moved on to Italy. Furthermore, we learned many of them, after some manoeuvring, made their way to Britain.

We gained the knowledge of how the Britons and Romans, in spite of being kinsmen, each country respectively developed different histories in law, politics and religion. We acquired the important knowledge that Joseph of Arimathaea established the first above ground church in history, and that the Roman Catholic Universal Church’s claim of being the first church was, and still is, entirely false. As a matter of fact, the entire Roman Catholic Church system is a counterfeit church along with its “daughters.” We became aware, the reason Rome invaded Britain under Claudius, was to destroy the British church before it could get established. It was revealed, further, how Linus and Claudia of Timothy 4:21 were converts of the British church. With this lesson, we will continue with more interesting aspects related to this Zerah branch of Judah theme.