British Fascist Policy – Mightier Yet!

British Fascist Policy – Mightier Yet!

1st June, 1935.

THIS booklet outlines the Aims and Policy of the Imperial Fascist League. Since August 1933 we have used the special issue of “THE FASCIST” of that month as a synopsis of Policy, but it is now practically out of print. We therefore reproduce in the following pages the articles which have appeared in that and other issues of “THE FASCIST” and in I. F. L. Publications.

These articles have been arranged to make a connected whole, so that anyone who reads this summary of our Policy may readily understand not only the spirit which moves us, but also the direction in which that spirit moves us and cannot fail to acknowledge the firm foundation on which it is based and the consistency of the Policy itself.

The original source of each article is clearly indicated and any items written specially to complete this booklet are enclosed in square brackets thus: [ ]
The following summary of our general policy has been printed in almost every issue of “THE FASCIST” since November 1931 and prior to that, the same Policy was published in different words.


Join the IMPERIAL FASCIST LEAGUE, an Organisation consecrated to the Service of the British Race and Empire in every sphere of national activity.