Black Pope

Black Pope

So, you thought you were pretty well informed by now about all of the main players on the “conspiracy” playing field? You’ve maybe been hearing for years about (or bumped into on your own) the various elements of society who control our world from behind the scenes.

You’ve gotten familiar with the role played by, for instance, the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word “Jew” to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans)

See Rev 2:9 & 3:9.  These are the ones who claim to be “Jews”, but are NOT “Jews”.  They are the worshippers of Satan, and are his chosen seed line on this earth to do HIS WILL, even as we are Jah’s chosen people called to do His!!!  There is nothing new under the sun.  Satan can only counterfeit what Jah does, and he DOES DO JUST THAT.