A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry (Annotation)

A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry (Annotation)

THE FOLLOWING ARE HANDPICKED QUOTES FROM THROUGHOUT THE BOOK “A Short Study of Esau-Edom in Jewry” by British author C. F Lewis. The entire book is also provided here for download. Whenever these quotes refer to the Bible, the scriptural passage is also quoted for convenience. Page numbers from the Lewis book are provided. This study “fills in the gaps” of other essays on this website by proving with scripture and quotes from historians, ancient and modern, how Esau-Edom is to be found in modern Jewry. We are now living in what may be called “The age of Esau-Edom”, since Zionist anti-Christ Jews are the predominant political, economic, academic and religious force on the planet.

All of this they have achieved by usury, corporate monopolization, mass media propaganda, economic fraud and skimming at all levels, mass murder, assassination of key political figures, wars by proxy, nepotism and self-promotion, secret societies, mass immigration schemes against white nations and a plethora of other fine-tuned tactics (all outlined in the Protocols … of Zion) for which their satanic mentality is ideally equipped. According to Yahweh God, the seed of Edom “is spoiled”.