50 Reasons (Bible) Why The Jews are Not Israel

50 Reasons (Bible) Why The Jews are Not Israel


When it is declared that the U. S. and Britain and other Nordic na­tions are Israelites and the chosen people of God, most of the modern lay churches call it false and without foundation, but refuse to give any Scriptures to prove that we are not. They put us on the defensive by demanding proof of our claims, and in response we give evidence from Scripture, history, ethnology and heraldry. As a reaction to the usual tactics of our opponents the order has been reversed and some questions presented for an answer:

Can those who disagree with us furnish evidence to prove that we are not Israel, and that the Jews are? No man’s answer will suffice. The an­swer must come from God’s Word so that the issue may be clear.

The modern day church states that the Jew and Israel are one and the same; also that the U.S.A., Britain and other Nordic nations are Gentile (in the sense of heathen) nations. If their claim is true, and the Jews are Israel, THEY HAVE TO FULFILL EVERY SCRIPTURE WHICH GOD SAID ISRAEL WOULD FULFILL:

So in answer to my critics in relation to my latest books “Who Am I?” I present the following questions relative to the above mentioned sub­ject. All these questions emerge from reading God’s Word and history.