Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th October 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th October 1967

QUESTION: (from the tape audience) If Seth is the first pure seed child from Adam and Eve, after Eve was seduced by Lucifer, then where did the pure white woman come from for a wife for Seth?

ANSWER: Seth was the seventh born to Adam and Eve after Cain. When Cain was born, Adam said: where did this one come from? And Eve answered: from the lord, (the name was Baalie, or Lucifer deified.) Thus Cain was the son of the ‘wicked’ or Evil one. This is confirmed in the Epistles of John and again confirms the Old Testament. Under the pattern of law, it took seven gestations to eradicate the evil from the womb. Children born to Adam and Eve in this time were not perfect enough for the building of the Kingdom.

Thus this cleansing of the womb took place and Seth was the seventh child after Cain. And now Adam said: ’I have begotten a man in my own image, and in my own likeness.’ And this was then, Seth. And then the genealogy of Seth is given. And also the genealogy of Cain. But the Enoch of Cain, is not the son of the Adamic line descended from Seth who was a great wise man of God. None of the generations from Cain were good. They were all evil men. Cain knew his wife who was from the Akkad people east of Eden.