Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 193

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 193

What Next – Part 3 – Revelation, Chapter 21

HERE JOHN SEES A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH FOR THE FIRST HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS PASSED AWAY AND NOW THERE IS NO SEA. (Division). Would you not say that this is telling you that this present world order ruled by Lucifer, which has trapped many of the children of the kingdom is now passed away? Now there is no division between the Kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God here in earth. Now God’s people are under his protection. Their education here in earth is finished except for some hold outs who will soon realize what is being portrayed.

Now there is no limit on the capacity of this Kingdom to grow and advance here in earth as the children of God without this temptation of Lucifer’s kingdom to blind them. Now they can move forward in their destiny. Thus there is no limit for God’s Kingdom which now John understands is his race, the Adamites coming out of the heavens. And called the New Jerusalem, portrayed as a bride, adorned for her husband. This part of the story, is found in the Star Bible in the constellation of Andromeda.

This second verse is the key to unlock this chapter. For John now understands the program and plan of YAHWEH FOR THIS EARTH. How HE planned for the overthrow of Lucifer as well as your part in this great battle of purpose.

Thus now John can understand this symbolic city called New Jerusalem, which is this people of his race coming out of the heavens (spiritual realm) all of this time from Adam and Eve on down. No longer are you to long for old Jerusalem, that trouble spot of the ancient world and still the same in today’s world.

John is now seeing the end of this age, and he on mount Patmos was a long way back in history, but now he is seeing the unveiling of the people of God’s kingdom, who came out of the spirit realm into the physical for a definite purpose. Thus YAHWEH WHO IS OUR YAHSHUA would thus come and redeem his people of earth, and now at the end of the age remove the rule of this rebellious arch Angel.