Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 135

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 135

The Glory of The Lord Revealed In His Saints

ONE OF THE WAYS IN WHICH THE WORLD SHALL SEE THE GLORY (LIGHT) OF THE LORD IS AS THE APOSTLE PAUL TELLS US: (THESSALONIANS 1:10) “When he shall come to be Glorified in His Saints, to be admired in all those that believe because of our testimony among you in that day.” Here the Apostle Paul is urging all the brethren of Israel to love one another, and to study to perfect their Faith, so that “your hearts will be ready at the coming of our LORD Jesus the Christ with all His Saints.” (1 Thess. 3:13)

Who then are these so called “Saint’s” you find so involved in this continuing story of the scriptures? You find them in the old books, you find them in the oldest book of the Bible as YAHWEH was talking to Job, asking him who he would turn to for help in his troubles. Yahweh said: (Job 5:11) “Call now if there be any that will answer thee, and to which of the Saints would you turn to (for help?)” After all, the saints are not God, they also turn to YAHWEH their father for help.

In the scriptures we find that the Saints are undoubtedly not all in earth, only some of them for: “But to the Saints that are in earth, and to their excellence in whom is all My delight” (Ps. 16:3). Then David would write (Ps. 50:5) having YAHWEH saying: “Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by Sacrifice.” As you will remember, always the Adamites as they migrated in old Testament days, would pause often and build an altar then prepare a symbolic sacrifice looking longingly forward to the day when YAHWEH as YAHSHUA, as promised, would come into earth in flesh as Savior of his people, and through them the world.

It is recorded also in Psalms 89:35., this promise, “I have made a covenant with MY CHOSEN, I have sworn unto David my servant, thy seed will I establish forever, and build up thy throne, unto all generations, and the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD, thy faithfulness also in the Congregation of the Saints”. Then in Psalms 116:15., again David records: “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of HIS SAINTS”. David of course knew that he was of this race of the servants of YAHWEH. In the Companion Bible the word ‘Saints’ is defined as Sons or children.

We would then say that the Saints are YAHWEH’S Household, some now in earth, his chosen, his servants in physical bodies to build his kingdom here in earth. This could only be accomplished in Physical bodies, and now these called Saints are in earth, have been since Adam and Eve were put out of the Garden, and entered their physical bodies prepared for them, so that they could do His work in earth.