British Lion No. 2 – June 20th 1925

British Lion No. 2 – June 20th 1925

By the Editor – in – Chief

WHEN endeavouring to assess the comparative strength of the forces of Law and Order as against those of Revolution in England, it is not inadvisable to avail oneself of a fine evening in London to take a rapid view of the contrast in the lives of those living at opposite ends of the social scale.

A ride on the top of a ‘bus costs but little and thanks to a clear road in the City one can run from Hammersmith through the West End, East End, past the Docks, and out to Eastern Suburbia in a couple of hours. It is instructive and gives food for reflection.
The bus keeps to the main streets, and the first impression received is one of general prosperity. There is a prodigious amount of wealth in the shops, and even in the East End the people in the streets are well clad and look well fed. In the suburbs one is struck by the numbers playing tennis and otherwise getting some exercise after a grilling day in office, by the rows and rows of small, neat houses of recent construction, and by the general air of well-being that pervades the localities passed through.

Then comes the question, on what is all this apparent prosperity based? Is it secure?
All this complex human machine is dependent on British water-borne com­merce, on British industry, and on British prestige throughout the world.

The very food these millions eat is nearly all imported, only about half of it comes from Imperial sources, and the money to pay for it comes from the goods we manufacture and sell. Is all well with British trade?

Read the daily newspapers and see they are full of cause for heart-searching, if not for apprehension.