Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th November 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 10th November 1965

QUESTION: What about the blackouts that just hit the East Coast and parts of Canada?

ANSWER: Well, this was one of the most unique power failures of all history. We do not believe that this was an ordinary power failure. The reason for this is that within five minutes of this, the Negroes in Rochester, New York had blocked the streets with automobiles and were already looting. And in the dark the officers were having a hard time trying to break it up. Well, it took several hours. And took a while to get through the barricade of cars that had been set in place. Within ten minutes of the blackout, organised bands of Negroes were creating fires and causing fires in Harlem. Then in Boston, almost simultaneous with the blackout, the looting started. So in other words, if this had just been an ordinary blackout, the looting could not have started so quickly. Of course, it was a test rehearsal by the Communist Left Wing forces to see what these overloads of power would do.

Back in 1953 the Communist party was holding a meeting in LA at which time they talked about the massive plan to cut off all power to the major cities at a zero hour. Then dress rehearsals were planned to show how they could paralyse the whole community, the whole city. At that time they had designated certain people in certain communities to help carry this out. One of the areas called for the blowing up of the main trunk line at Boulder Dam and also certain areas of transformers and areas of dispersion. At the present time it is not so easy to do this in California, as it is in other parts of the nation because of Edison and Company who in so many steam generators, to take over just in case. Whereas they might black out a portion of the city, they can’t black out the whole west coast because of these many areas of diversified electricity.